Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet



In my training to nutritionist I came across people with different reasons to why they need a special diet, allergies, being over sensitive, diabetes, being over weight are a few reasons to follow certain guidelines. But the truth is that also for other people that do not experience andy direct symptoms the key to health is a balanced diet. If you want to stay healthy it is best to look into your diet.

It is okey to now and then eat something that is not the healthiest for you but if you really like sweets for example and you eat it just now and then why not eat a piece of dark chocolate that stops your craving and also contains anti-oxidants. Or if you like to have a glass of wine with your food , if it doesn't become three and four glasses every day, it can be worse to not having any and deprive you of what you like and the risk of binge eating increases as you feel more and more deprived. Enjoy lif,e and food is for me an important and social way to just do that!

The topic of detoxing and go on a fast I have written about on a special page as this is such a big topic and there are so many ideas on what is best for you. Jucing is one of my favourites , I have dedicated a page just for this subject and there you can find my favourite recipes.




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